Root Canal Treatment
Also known as root canal therapy (or endodontics), is a treatment usually advised when the nerve inside the tooth becomes irreversibly inflamed or infected. This is typically due to tooth decay or injury. The infection may spread leading to an abscess; this can cause much discomfort. If root canal treatment is not carried out, the tooth may need to be removed.
Root canal treatment usually involves the following process (below), here at Tooth Doctor Nyali, we have the latest equipment to finish this in a single visit (although this may vary slightly – we want to do the best for you)
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Root Canal Treatment: The process
- Local anesthetic is first applied to prevent discomfort during the treatment
- The tooth is isolated and prepared by drilling into it, thus allowing access to the root canal system.
- The root canal system is cleaned out chemically and mechanically, this is to ensure all the infected tooth structure is removed.
- At this point an assessment is made and either option below is followed a) If possible the root canal system is permanently filled, along with a filling on top of the tooth or preparation for a crown done.
b) due to extensive infection, the permanent treatment is not done at this visit, medication is placed into the canal and the tooth filled temporarily till your next visit. At your next visit, the tooth is again cleaned to ensure no infection and the root canal system is permanently filled, along with a filling on top of the tooth or preparation for a crown done.
Following extensive research, success rates for root canal treatment vary widely; the normally quoted success rate is more than 90% with the protocol we follow.
Please discuss this with your dentist and ensure a follow-up appointment is made in the years to come.
Health Benefits to you include pain relief, preserves your tooth, keeps you smiling and eating your favourite foods